The Millard Law Firm


Millard Law, a firm dedicated to providing exceptional legal services, reached out to SOAR Media. Recognized for its meticulous approach to law and client care, Millard Law sought to expand its outreach and fortify its digital footprint in the competitive legal landscape.

The Mission

Our mission was to significantly increase Millard Law's online visibility, generate qualified leads, and position the firm as a leader in its field. By leveraging SEO, content marketing, and targeted advertising, we aimed to create a sustainable growth model that would elevate Millard Law's digital presence and client engagement.

The Outcome

The campaign's success was evident through a series of measurable achievements:

  • Lead Generation: Surpassed the goal by generating at least 10 qualified leads per month, demonstrating the effectiveness of our SEO and content strategies.
  • Website Traffic Increase: A notable rise in both direct and paid website visits, especially to key pages such as "Contact Us," indicating higher engagement and potential client interest.
  • Enhanced Domain Authority: Improved from 26 to 30, a crucial factor for increasing visibility in competitive Google search results.
  • Email Marketing Success: Achieved a remarkable 60% open rate, significantly higher than the industry average, showcasing effective communication strategies.


The Impact

Our comprehensive approach not only achieved but exceeded the set objectives. By increasing Millard Law's domain authority and generating qualified leads, we laid a solid foundation for the firm's online growth. The strategic use of Google and display advertising, coupled with engaging content creation, propelled Millard Law into a new phase of digital engagement and client acquisition.

The strategic initiatives led to surpassing the goal of generating at least 10 qualified leads per month, a remarkable increase in website traffic and engagement, and a significant rise in domain authority from 26 to 30 within two months. Our email marketing strategy achieved a 60% open rate, showcasing the effectiveness of our tailored communication.

The Proof is in the Numbers

Millard Law's partnership with SOAR Media exemplifies the power of a well-crafted digital marketing strategy in the legal sector. Through targeted efforts in SEO, content creation, and advertising, the firm has enhanced its digital presence and established a strong foundation for sustained growth and client engagement.

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Qualified Leads Per Month

0 %

Increase in Domain Authority

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Email Open Rates

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Cost Per Click

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